Mind Wellness ● Self Consciousness ● Soul Enlightenment
Clear ● Care ● Cheer
A seeker and researcher group of spiritually conscious individual’s quest to find and practise the enlightened route of life. A life full of positivity, self-discovery, self-awareness, holistic development and mindfulness.
The body, mind and spirit can’t be separated, and your physical form is aligned to dictate spiritual contentment. We help you make significant fits to gaps in your life and to align those with spiritual consciousness to match your aura or vibes to use it consistently in your favour.
Discover with us your possibilities to win over any problems and give them a rightful path leading to a definite direction. Call us to know the alignment of your stars, planets and essential details to align the Cosmos with your respective selfandincline your future to the desired direction.
Years of

No Magic, Pure Science.
Our Service
We intend to make you and your family content to win over any crisis.


Vedic Astrology
An Ancient Science known as the ‘VedangaJyotisha', where the study of the solar system and celestials helped scholars find readings on time, location, and predict a significant event. We have taken this science as our core build-up for making astrology more familiar to people with simplified formats and practices.


Horoscope Analysis
The foundation of Vedic Astrology is the notion of 'Vedas' (scriptures), which is the connection between the microcosm and the macrocosm. This 'Vedic Study of Horoscope' on aligning the Human Body with the Cosmos as a whole, with fundamental rules kept aligned to the force of each action, brings you the desired result. This practice is our strength.


Numerology Consultation
This is a modern way of changing medians to make temporary changes to your actions and should be aligned with other formats of the ‘Vedic Study of Numerology’ to bring in permanent positive changes. We work on this only when our esteemed practitioners have minimal time and energy to dedicate.


Positivity Counseling
In modern times, it's not just difficult but sometimes impossible to turn an individual to look at the positive aspects. We all have the 'Linga' & 'Yoni', representing the positive and negative sides. Still, it's upon us which side should dominate our presence. We, through our 'Vedic Practise Principles', modify the positive to dominate.


Vastu Solution
Our Homes are our one-stop destination; it is the source and principle of our energy. If homes are corrected through placements of belongings to dominate the positivity, which eventually helps bring more positive energy in dwellers. Through our 'Vedic Practise of Vaastu', we formulate the rightful changes to spread 'Positivity Around'.


Colour Therapy
We are enchanted by colours and their presence around us. Some might make us feel vibrant, and some might make us feel dull. Any individual must know their colour traits as per their stars and planets. Through 'Vedic Colour Practise', we motivate each respective self towards the best future course of fulfilment.


Mantra Magic
The Vedic Science, written by Vedic Scholars millions of years back, has 'Sanskrit Hymns' known to have magical attributes if chanted in a particular rhythm, time and location. We formulate those 'Vedic Hymns' suited to your planetary positioning to be practised for ornamenting results suited to your respective desire.


Online Puja
Offering prayers to your Almighty, pronouncing hymns dedicated to a person or the entire family brings in total positivity. We recently started on requests from our beloved practitioners to offer 'Vedic Practice of Pooja/Puja' to enlighten the space and mind of those who have felt the change and are willing to sustain that positivity.


Partner Compatibility
As we mentioned earlier, the objective of Ling & Yoni be very crucial for everyone to make self-worth be realised and practised. This is an extension of your 'Vedic Horoscope Analysis', which helps individuals look for the best half of their lives. We extend our services to find the best-suited partner before the nuptial knot for the overall best of both.

& Prediction

Precautions & Prediction
We know our lives are full of ups and downs relating to family, career, love, money, partner etc. How do we determine a ground to make us sail through those situations? It is that practice of 'Vedic Analogy of Problem Solving', through which we offer to caution you well before time for individuals to gain strength and fight odds.


Birth Stones
We all came to this earth with some positive notions and realms. Each one of us has a particular method or model to determine our success. To bring that process, the solution we follow is, the practice of 'Vedic Birthstone Analysis' which helps us formulate through respective planetary positions to determine the ‘Birthstone’ suited to help sail through to success.


Palmistry Reading
This is the ancient study of our palm; Vedic scholars attained such expertise that they could even predict your future events through this study. We have many 'Vedic Practitioners' who have these similar traits to determine your future events and help you to be cautious of the negative. We have a state-of-the-art online virtual platform to offer and help you assess your predictions.


Sound Therapy
It has been proven since Vedic times for the usage of a sound in particular frequency to heal your mind, body and soul. Indeed, in Sama Veda which represents ‘Music’ is the most ancient transcript to have helped earth dwellers have the best understanding of forms of sound and it’s combination. You might have seen large bells at the entrance of worship places, which rings in the same frequency as ‘OM’ to helps cleanse your mind before you set forth on your spiritual journey. We with our team of Sound Healing experts try and mitigate each mental and physical crisis with a customised frequency for an individual’s belonginess.


Food Healing
We all know for Food we eat, and drink play an integral part of what we think and how we act. It is for all to know your own format of body composition for the type of food which suit to enable best results without any malefic compound be produced in your system. The aspect of building and structing your food and drink calendar, to support your system composition is what our team of Vedic Food experts does best. They are certified nutrition and sattvic food professionals who are always trying for success with each individual case study and customised solution.


Surya Namaskar
Since the times Vedas Transcript has been translated for us to understand, we have many a times wondered how just one exercise can enable your inner strength. It is this format of body healing technique which stretches each muscle of your body to empower them and gain the required strength by relaxing the spasm. This technique of muscle healing helps you gain better momentum and relaxes your movement. Our experts align you through video calls and enable you to write your success story.


Yoga Healing
The most ancient form of exercise which is also the most powerful. It is the only form of exercise which can power all your core i.e., mind, soul and body, all in one process. We have all modern forms of Yoga in today’s time which came forth as innovation. But, our Yoga experts have kept the traditional form well combined with modern food to help fonder all kinds of body type and individuals. We promise to always keep nurturing the traditional ways of Vedic Science be combined best to drive solution and purpose for modern world.
Reflections on the Wisdom From
the Stars and Planets
Transits & forecast reading with any natal
chart or solar return reading.
Zodiac Sign
Horoscope Forecast are subject to overall planetary prediction, for best results, please consult Vedic Realms Experts for customised individual future predictions and analysis
Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - Jun 20
Jun 21 - Jul 22
Jul 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sep 22
Sep 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
Accreditation & Membership

Our Testimonials
We are indebted to all Love we receive and our process is to keep increasing that matrix : Vedic Science as our Value and Vedic Analogy as our Practise.