How To Wear Rudraksha In Hand ?

Wear Rudraksha In Hand

Different forms of Rudraksha beads such as necklaces, malas, and bracelets are often put on by people due to their spirituality and healing-related properties. One of the most common ways in which a person can wear Rudraksha is on hand which it is believed to bring forth numerous advantages. To wear Rudraksha in hand; you may select either a bracelet or a small mala specifically designed for this purpose. Such bracelets or malas usually contain different kinds of Mukhis (faces) which have diverse meanings and good results.

It is necessary to cleanse and sanctify the beads before wearing them. It usually involves soaking them in water overnight followed by recitation of specific mantras like “Om Namah Shivaya”. Once they are cleansed, a Rudraksha bracelet/mala can be worn around the wrist.

How to wear it also depends upon personal convenience and spiritual mentor/guru/astrologer’s advice. For instance, some people prefer single-strand bracelets while others might choose multi-strand ones according to their specific needs as well as the counseling received. In order to maximize the benefits of using Rudraksha, one must consider the choice of hand and the number of beads.

Benefits of Wearing Rudraksha in Hand

Putting on Rudraksha beads on your wrist is thought to bring many benefits, from boosting your health to helping you grow. Here’s a look at the main benefits:

Spiritual Growth: 

People often say that Rudraksha beads help to boost your spiritual side.

One can wear them on his / her palm while meditating to help in mindfulness and focusing within oneself.

Improved well-being: 

There is a belief that Rudraksha has so many health benefits. Such include blood pressure regulation, stress reduction as well as good heart health. The skin contact with this bead may enhance these benefits.

Balance Emotionally: 

Wearing hand rudrakshas is thought to bring emotional stability- it allows a person to manage anger, anxiety, and depression by promoting calmness and peace.


Protection and Energy: 

Rudraksha is famous for its protective nature. Wearing it on the hands can save one from negative energies and improve the positive vibrations around the wearer.

Increased Concentration: 

For learners and workers, rudrakshas can aid in attaining concentration and focus. It helps clear thinking leading to better decision-making.

Pain Reliever: 

When worn on the hand, some people believe that Rudraksha may provide relief for chronic pain, particularly joint pains. The beads’ contact with the skin might have a soothing effect on the affected areas.

How Many Rudraksha to Wear in Hand?

There are no fixed numbers of Rudraksha beads to wear in hand; it all depends on one’s personal needs and spiritual direction. In most cases, people are encouraged to put on a wristband with either 21 or 27 beads. These two figures are highly held as very lucky and they maximize the powers of Rudrakshas. The amount of beads can be adjusted if one is looking for particular benefits. For instance:

21 Beads: 

This figure is generally associated with those who seek well-being in general and spiritual growth. It tends to balance every aspect of life such as health, wealth, and happiness.

27 Beads: 

The wearing of 27 beads is particularly helpful with issues concerning health and concentration enhancement. This number also symbolizes protection against bad energies.

It is important that one find out the number of Rudraksha seeds that he or she prefers personally because comfort matters a lot here. Also, insight into the correct number of Rudrakshas to be worn may come from consulting a spiritual guidance or astrologer

Which Hand to Wear Rudraksha Bracelet for Male?

The Rudraksha bracelet is usually worn on the right hand by men. This custom comes from ancient texts and habits, where among men, the right hand is seen as the active one which means giving and dynamic action.It is believed that wearing the Rudraksha on the right hand will help in aligning with the energy flow of our body thus increasing the effectiveness of these beads. It is supposed to bring about better protection, increase concentration, and also a sense of equilibrium to life.

 Because of this connection between activities of daily living or spiritual practices and active energy in the right hands, they are considered to be best suited for receiving potential benefits from Rudrakshas.

However, it should also be borne in mind that personal choice and comfort matter too. Otherwise, if it feels a little awkward or inconvenient to wear from the right-hand side, then it can be worn on the left arm. The most important thing is to keep the Rudraksha bead in contact with the skin so that its energy communicates with the body’s energy.

Can We Wear Rudraksha on the Left Hand?

Readers should note that one can also wear Rudraksha on their left hand which would still have the same effect as wearing it on their right hand. The main factor of consideration should be comfort. Spiritual growth, emotional balance, and protection from negative energies are among the similar benefits offered by wearing Rudraksha on the left wrist as well as the right. The receptive hand is normally associated with this spiritual symbol due to its ability to receive energy and nurture it.

This is fine for those who would rather or find it more practical to wear a Rudraksha bracelet around one’s left hand. The most important thing is to keep in touch with the beads regularly so that they may transmit their power into the body effectively. In a few traditions, females usually put on them on their left hands while males prefer them on their right wrists. Nonetheless, these guidelines are not set in stone and personal preference must take precedence here to ensure consistent and comfortable wear of the beads.

Which Hand to Wear Rudraksha Bracelet for Female?

Females traditionally should wear a Rudraksha Bracelet on the left hand. This practice is based on the belief that the left side is receptive to energy and represents feminine, nurturing, and receiving. Rudraksha bracelet, for ladies when worn on the left arm it encourages the natural flow of energy which enhances the spiritual growth of an individual, emotional balance, and physical well-being. The energy from the Rudraksha beads is more readily absorbed through the left hand’s receptive nature thereby benefiting its wearer in various spheres of life.

But as with men, personal comfort and convenience must come first. It is acceptable if a woman prefers or finds it more practical to wear the Rudraksha bracelet on her right hand. The key factor here is ensuring the constant connection between the beads and human-level energies.

Alternatively, specific spiritual or health-related objectives may determine one’s choice of either hand leading to consultations with their spiritual guide or astrologer who will fine-tune this guidance according to their own needs.

Can We Gift a Rudraksha Bracelet to Someone?

Indeed, gifting a Rudraksha bracelet is considered thoughtful and a propitious gesture. The Rudraksha beads are worshipped for their spiritual and curative attributes making it a special gift to loved ones. It is important to ensure that the beads in a Rudraksha bracelet are of genuine quality and properly energized.

Gifting Rudraksha implies the transmission of good vibes, blessings, and protection to the recipient. It is believed that through the gifting of Rudraksha, the receiver can benefit in his or her spiritual journey with effects such as emotional balance, better health conditions, etc. When one gifts a rudraksha bracelet there are a few things they should do;

Pick authentic Beads: 

Confirm that the beads are genuine and bought from trusted sellers. Authenticity is reflected by certain features of legitimate rudrakshas which would make them more efficient in delivering the expected benefits.

Energize the Beads: 

Before presenting as a gift it is advisable to cleanse and charge Rudraksha beads with specific rituals like soaking them in water accompanied by chanting mantras.

Make it Personal: 

A presented gift may become more valuable if personalized by way of including a handwritten note or speaking about what it means.

Rudraksha Wearing Rules for Males

There are several traditional rules regarding wearing Rudraksha for men. For the beads to be effective and to yield maximum benefit to a person, the following rules mentioned below need to be followed:

Purification and Energization: 

Rudraksha beads have to necessarily be purified and energized before wearing. Typically, this process entails soaking the beads in water or milk while chanting mantras like “Om Namah Shivaya.”

Right-Hand Preference:

Traditionally, males are advised to put on Rudraksha on their right hand. This is because it is considered as an active hand showing giving and dynamic energy.

Regular Contact with Skin:

For the benefits of Rudraksha beads to be optimized, it should always have regular contact with the skin. Such helps in bringing them into resonance with various energetic fields of the body.

Consistent Wearing: 

It is recommended that one wears Rudraksha continually and avoids taking it off frequently. Constant contact with them enhances their effectiveness.

Respect and Reverence: 

One ought to respect Rudraksha beads as well as treat them respectfully. Do not take them to impure places such as restrooms; neither touch them with dirty hands. Avoid Wearing During Sleep: Although some people might choose to wear bead necklaces made from rudrakshas whilst sleeping; generally, it would be better to take off all these things at night to avoid any possible harm or remain comfortable.

Side Effects of Wearing Rudraksha

To maintain Rudraksha’s significance, one must be mindful of its likely side effects or precautions for secure and efficient application. There are some considerations:

Skin Allergies:

When some people put Rudraksha directly on their skin, they experience irritations or allergies. This may be because of the presence of natural oils and other contents that may be contained in the beads. In case there is reddening, itching, or any form of apparent soreness that is felt, it is wise to discontinue use and consult a health care provider.

Energy Sensitivity: 

Rudraksha beads withhold powerful energy within them. For individuals who aren’t used to wearing Rudraksha, this energy may overwhelm them. Some symptoms like being dizzy, headaches, or a feeling of disquietness can happen. In order to mitigate these effects it may be helpful to wear the beads for shorter periods initially till one becomes acquainted with them.


Spiritual sensitivity can be increased through wearing Rudraksha as well as spiritual awareness. This is mostly a good thing, but sometimes such sensitivity will bring on overwhelming feelings or spiritual experiences that are quite difficult to handle. At such times, it would be useful to seek the assistance of a spiritual guide or professional in working with this event.

Care and Maintenance: 

The Rudraksha bead requires good care to maintain its effectiveness. Cleaning should be done regularly with water, and harsh chemicals must be kept away. Otherwise, the beads will either turn brittle or lose their potency.

Special Health Conditions:

A person who has some kind of health condition, such as skin disease or hypersensitivity, should consult a doctor before wearing Rudraksha. Other methods of deriving benefits from Rudraksha, like keeping them in the living space, would be more suitable in such cases.


Wearing Rudraksha in hand, whether as a bracelet or mala, is a practice steeped in tradition and spirituality. It offers numerous benefits, from spiritual upliftment and emotional balance to health improvements and protection from negative energies. While the traditional guidelines suggest specific hands for males and females, personal comfort and practicality are paramount. Gifting Rudraksha is a meaningful gesture, symbolizing the transfer of positive energy and blessings. Adhering to the rules of wearing Rudraksha, especially for males, and being aware of potential side effects, ensures that one can fully harness the power of these sacred beads for overall well-being and spiritual growth.

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